Outwork your self-doubt - Alex Hormozi

  1. Don’t wait until it’s perfect to release the first iteration - DONE

  2. Don’t get bogged down on name and branding - DONE

  3. Spend as much time on distribution as content production - TRYING but it’s hard

  4. Don’t strive for perfection. Dickie Bush - “use quantity as a forcing function for quality” - TRYING

  5. Buy a domain name - DONE

  6. Embed and expand an Airtable in Beehiiv - DONE

  7. Set up affiliate links - DONE and WIP

  8. How to change the header colour in Beehiiv - DONE

  9. Set up DNS so the website can be www.theactionslist.com instead of theactionslist.beehiiv.com - TRYING

  10. Is there another tool instead of Airtable that’s better?

  11. Change in logo and brand and style

  12. Decided to move to weekly newsletters and more on twitter

  13. Beehiiv said they wanted to sponsor the newsletter! - LESSON LEARNT - got the dates wrong

  14. Affiliate links - LESSON LEARNT - you have to buy before your referral link works, so ended up sending out a newsletter with a ton of dead links. Sure.

  15. “Do things that don't scale to win your first customers.” - INTERESTING