- The Actions List
- Pages
- Life's wonderful equations
Inputs > Outputs (The Actions List)
Happiness = Reality - Expectations (Tom Magliozzi)
Slow = Smooth = Fast (Navy SEALs)
Happiness = ((Reality x Effort) - (Expectation x Attachment)) x Gratitude2 (Tomas Svitorka)
Journey > Destination (The Actions List)
Hidden Metrics > Visible Metrics (George Mack)
Reward > Award (The Actions List)
Cash = King
Great work = Natural ability + Practice + Effort (Paul Graham)
Outcome = Events + Response (Ian Tang)
Outcome > Output (Chris Williamson)
Income = Accountability + Leverage + Specific Knowledge (Naval Ravikant)
A Good Essay = Importance + Novelty + Correctness + Strength (Paul Graham)
Raising successful kids = Trust + Respect + Independence + Collaboration + Kindness(Esther Wojcicki)
Multiple options x Can’t decide = No (Gurwinder Bhogal)
Few options x Can’t decide = Yes (Gurwinder Bhogal)
$25m net worth > $250m net worth > £2.5bn net worth (Andrew Wilkinson)
Gossiping with you = Gossiping without you (Gurwinder Bhogal)
Getting rid of soap scum = 240ml white vinegar + 1L water (Lisa Bronner)
All art = Good art (Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross)
Growth mindset = Fixed Mindset (default) + deep commitment to the process of learning + (disregard for failure x love for challenges) + faith in the outcome working out in the end (Rohan Rajiv)
Scenius → Genius + Scene - Genes = (Mutual Appreciation + Rapid exchange of tools and techniques) Network effects of success + Local tolerance for the novelties (Kevin Kelly)
Pareto Principle → 20% of Efforts = 80% of Results
Accountability = Personal Branding + Personal Platform + Taking Risk (Naval Ravikant)
Leverage = Capital + People + Intellectual Property (Naval Ravikant)
Direction > Speed (The Actions List)
Clear = Kind. Unclear = unkind. (Brene Brown)